Thursday 12 September 2013

Daily 5

After watching some colleagues of mine run the Daily5 programme in their classrooms I decided to give it a go myself. I started by introducing Reading to Self. The children an I discussed what this will look like if done well, why we should do it and how to choose book.
As time went on we went on to explore the other elements of the Daily5 programme. We went very slowly starting with 3 minutes per activity and slowly working our way up. We stopped and reflected often. Now I'm feeling like the programme is beginning to run smoothly.
I'm finding that the programme is working really well with my students. They are very motivated and are on task.
I'm busy at all times. Having a timer moving the children onto the next activity has helped me make sure that my lessons are quick and snappy. I am seeing each group for reading twice a week. This gives me time to teach a strategy and then check up on the kids and check their understanding later in the week.
I can also see each group twice a week for writing. I have class teaching sessions where I introduce a genre and set whole class tasks. Later I work with each group extending them or supporting them depending their needs in relation to the set task.
I am getting great results from my students. They are getting much more small group instruction and are wanting to complete the tasks set.

The challenge I am still facing is making sure that ALL my children are completing work at the highest possible standard for them. Some of my students do tend to take the easy road but that's a challenge I will overcome with time.

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