Friday 12 October 2012

Spread the word

I have just attended the ULearn 2012 conference in Auckland. I have come away from this full of passion for my job and what I do. There was a buzz in the air the minute I walked into the conference centre. I was among MY kind of people. I was in a room full of teachers who were willing to give up their holidays to learn and to develop professionally, but I think we have walked away with so much more.
This was my first ULearn. I was expecting to walk in find some new resources to use in my classroom and to listen to some interesting speakers. I walked away with a spring in my step. I had a new found love for my job. Yes the keynote presenters were interesting but they were also inspiring and passionate. I was able to talk to people who were on the same wave length as me. I was able to meet people who make a difference everyday and who LOVE doing what they do. This was infectious. Every person in the conference loved what they did and this made me want to spread the word about the people who rarely get mentioned by the media. asked their readers to contribute by writing a short piece about why they love teaching. I decided that I would comply and write something that would hopefully help people see who actually teaches their children. NOT what is usually portrayed in the media.
Most of the people on the front line are passionate, for them teaching is life.
Here is the link to the article that will hopefully help the wider public see that teachers are AMAZING and they have our future in their hands. Appreciate them!

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