Monday 14 May 2012


 A little while ago I created a wonder window in my class.

Here the children can write their wonderings. Anything that comes to mind that they want to know about. The other day I took a moment to have a really good look at these wonderings and there were some amazing questions there. For example: Why is static electricity called static, because static means staying still? or Why are we human? Why don't ships sink? Who made the first movie? Why is the sky blue? ... etc
There is some great thinking there. I found that the kids are full of fantastic wonderings. They are always questioning the worlds around them. They want to know how things work, why things happen and so on.
I do wonder sometimes if we do our kids justice? How often do we actually take the time to listen to what they say and what they ask?
It got me thinking about child directed learning and what we have been trying to move towards in our classroom. We strive to make our students passionate seekers of knowledge.

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